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3 Ways Retail Executives Are Preparing for the Future of In-Store Tech | Toshiba Commerce

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3 Ways Retail Executives Are Preparing for the Future of In-Store Tech | Toshiba Commerce

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3 Ways Retail Executives Are Preparing for the Future of In-Store Tech

Brick-and-mortar retail is changing, but it’s not going away anytime soon. This has been especially true during the COVID-19 crisis. Customers are looking for a frictionless shopping experience that combines the best of online purchasing with the satisfying experience of having what they just purchased immediately in their hands – something only brick-and-mortar stores can deliver. 

In-store technology gives retailers the capability to offer the best of both worlds.

Toshiba partnered with Retail Dive’s Brand Studio to survey 148 retail executives to find out how they are utilizing technology to change the in-store experience for shoppers and create unique, operational benefits. This survey was conducted prior to the COVID-19 crisis and gives us a snapshot of what retailers were planning and provides a strong baseline for future insights into how retail will evolve from this point as the industry adapts the changing environment. Additional research will follow later this year to document these changes in retail.

Read the Full Report



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