The downloads below are divided into 2 sections, files that are publicly accessible to anyone and files that are restricted to those with an Enterprise ID (learn more)
Common Packages
There are multiple cross-platform packages available (including Diagnostics, OPOS & JavaPOS drivers, RMA, MUS, NWD and VSP) as well as system unit drivers that apply to multiple machine types (including touch screen & biometric drivers)
View common packages & drivers
The document below shows which operating systems are supported across different processors and TGCS plaforms, to better enable viable operating system upgrade options for different POS terminal models.
TGCS hardware & OS compatibility matrix
If all you have is a 4-digit machine type or 7-digit machine-type/model number are you aren't sure which product you have you can refer to the Support by Machine Type page.
Public content (OS Drivers)
Content below is publicly available to anyone at no cost
TCx 900 (4901-x1x)
Celeron processors require a minimum linux kernel of 5.10, other models require a minimum linux kernel of 5.19
- Windows 10
4901-x1x_AUDIO_W10.ZIP (v6.0.9414.1, 5 September 2023)
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_BT_W10.ZIP (v22.190.0.2, 5 September 2023)
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_CHIPSET_W10.ZIP (v10.1.19502.8391, 19 April 2024)
Management Engine
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_ME_W10.ZIP (v2249.3.39.0, 5 September 2023)
Network (LAN)
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_LAN_W10.ZIP (v12.19.2.45, 5 September 2023)
PCI Null Driver
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_PCINULL_W10.ZIP (v6.1.0.0, 5 September 2023)
Rapid Storage Technology
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_RST_W10.ZIP (v19.5.0.1037, 5 September 2023)
Serial I/O
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_SERIALIO_W10.ZIP (v30.100.2221.20, 5 September 2023)
- Windows 10
Use the touch drivers from the Common packages & drivers page
USB-to-Serial dongle
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_USBDONGLE_W10.ZIP (v2.12.3, 5 September 2023)
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_VIDEO_W10.ZIP (v31.0.101.3954, 5 September 2023)
- Windows 10
4901-X1X_WIFI_W10.ZIP (v22.160, 5 September 2023)
Restricted content (security alerts, BIOS & publications)
Content below is only available to entitled customers with a TGCS enterprise ID (learn more)
Security Alerts
Security alerts are listed on the News page and in this Knowledgebase article
TCx 900 (4901-x1x)
Celeron processors require a minimum linux kernel of 5.10, other models require a minimum linux kernel of 5.19
BIOS (8IKT 2430.0) & BIOS settings utility (v0.14) (3 September 2024)
Need help with your TCx 900?
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